Better Genetics, Not Better Grooming With Dr Mark Ferguson
Some rams at sales are not what they seem. Foot trimming and excessive feeding can cover up genetic faults, and buyers are paying the price. This week...
Sunday, October 1, 2023The "Sheep Poo" Study with Beef and Lamb NZ
This week on the podcast we have Cara Brosnahan from Beef and Lamb NZ (B+LNZ) discussing the latest research being done to gauge the prevalence and im...
Sunday, September 24, 2023Breeding a Balanced Merino With Alan Rissmann
Breeding a balanced sheep is no easy feat. But with a head for numbers and a great mindset, our guest this week, Alan Rissmann, is doing just that. Wi...
Sunday, September 17, 2023Genetic Control of Methane With Dr. Nicola Lambe
Tune in to hear Dr. Nicola Lambe and Dr. Mark Ferguson discuss sheep genetics, methane emissions and their intersection with climate change. With an i...
Sunday, September 10, 2023Successfully Navigating the Wool Industry with Nicola Peddie
This week Nicola Peddie shares her insights into the wool industry, the power of sustainable innovation, and the potential for personal growth when yo...
Sunday, September 3, 2023Lamb Survival with Dr. Amy Lockwood
Lamb survival is always a hot topic, especially as producers increase their scanning percentages and improve their feeding practices, leading to more ...
Sunday, August 27, 2023Unleashing the Potential of Grass with Michael Gooden
Maximising the potential of the grass you grow is a critical component of pasture-based agriculture; doing it well is what separates the good farmers ...
Sunday, August 20, 2023What's for Dinner? Exploring Food Production with Jill Griffiths
Are we aware of where our food comes from? What about the subtle complexities in our food production systems? Join us as we get a fresh perspective on...
Sunday, August 13, 2023How to Correctly Vaccinate Your Livestock With MSD
Do you vaccinate your livestock correctly? Do you read the label every time? Is your fridge at the correct temperature to store the vaccine? Today we&...
Sunday, August 6, 2023Embracing Digital Farming and Global Challenges with Robynne Anderson
Our guest this week, Robynne Anderson, is an authority on global agricultural and food policy. Robynne grew up on a farm and started her career in agr...
Sunday, July 30, 2023Making Succession Flow With Pat Barrett
This week, we have our first lawyer on the show, Pat Barrett. He is both a lawyer and farmer in Wagga Wagga, Australia.Pat grew up with a passion for ...
Sunday, July 23, 2023Sheep in the US With Brad A. Freking
This week on the Head Shepherd podcast we’re heading back over to the US to speak to Brad A. Freking, a research geneticist in the Livestock Bio-Syste...
Sunday, July 16, 2023Growing Cashmere in NZ with David Shaw
This week on the podcast we're switching up species and discussing cashmere goats with David Shaw.In 2017, David undertook a self-directed R&...