Show Notes

This week on the podcast we have Nathan Scott.

With a background in Prime Lamb production, Nathan started his own consultancy firm, Achieve Ag Solutions, eight years ago.   

"We work with a range of producers, looking for the low hanging fruit within their business and applying the latest science and technology, in a practical way that means something to their business"

Nathan is passionate about knowledge transfer in the Agricultural industry.

"Coca-Cola didn't come out with just one advertisement, they came out with a campaign to appeal to a range of different audiences" and there's no reason why knowledge transfer from experts, to farmers, should be any different. 

Nathan says if we keep providing "Fact sheets" and hoping something will change, nothing will.
"Times wont always be as good as this", Nathan says. He says we should be using these good times to set ourselves up for when times are harder.

Nathan says for a lot of people it's not always about making more money, but simplifying their system to make it easier on the people and animals.

"There isn't enough critical reviewing of farm business practices. And it doesn't need to involve a third party" Nathan says. "I think having an argument with yourself about why you're doing something is a damn good place to start"

Why are you lambing on that day? Why are you using those genetics? Ask yourself that. If you can come up with a justified reason, then move on.

A great podcast to get you thinking about what, why and how you do things on the farm.

If you'd like to find out more about Nathan's training or Achieve Ag Solutions, click the link below:

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